When you go to your doctor because you have not been feeling well and your menstrual cycles have been irregular, you may be surprised to find that you are going through menopause. After you are diagnosed, you may find yourself weighing various treatment options, one of those options being hormone therapy. If you are thinking about the possibility of using hormone therapy as a treatment for your menopause symptoms, get to know more about it so that you can be sure that you are selecting the correct treatment option for you and your menopause symptoms.
Defining Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy is also often referred to as hormone replacement therapy. It is a treatment option that is meant to help balance out the levels of estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body. When a woman goes through menopause, the levels of those hormones that factor into female reproductive function drop dramatically which can cause many negative symptoms including headaches, fatigue, and irregular, heavy menstrual cycles.
What Hormone Therapy Can Do For You
As you go through the transitional period of menopause, there are many ways that hormone therapy can help you. One of the most commonly recognized symptoms of menopause is hot flashes. These hot flashes can occur at any time of the day and can be frequent and inconvenient nuisances. Hormone therapy can help to reduce the number of hot flashes you experience.
It can also help with the headaches and fatigue that go along with menopause. There are also symptoms related to the sexual organs and sexuality as a whole. Vaginal dryness, discomfort, and low libido can also be symptoms of the menopause process (specifically of low estrogen and progesterone levels). Hormone therapy can help with these problems as well so that you can continue to have an active and fulfilling sex life if you so choose.
How Hormone Therapy Is Administered
There are several different ways that hormone therapy can be administered to treat the symptoms of menopause. Patches, gels, sprays, oral pills, and even injections are all quite common ways to administer estrogen (or estrogen with progesterone). These methods of receiving hormone replacement therapy are systemic forms of treatment. This means they are used to help treat all of the general symptoms of low estrogen levels throughout the entire body.
On the other hand, if you are only experiencing the vaginal symptoms of low hormone levels or prefer to treat your other symptoms with natural remedies, you can also receive lower levels of progesterone and/or estrogen through vaginal suppositories, topical creams, or a ring that is inserted into the vagina.
Now that you know more about hormone therapy, you can be sure that you make the right treatment decision for you and your menopause symptoms. Pop over to this site for more information on hormone therapy.