(Baby) Bumps In The Road: 3 Medical Procedures You Shouldn't Do While Pregnant

Being pregnant is a time of incredible change, both in your body and in your lifestyle in general. And when it comes to frequent doctor visits, you'll probably have more visits in the nine-month span of your pregnancy than you will in the years after it. But just like there are some foods you should avoid while pregnant to avoid harming your baby (such as raw fish or alcohol), there are certain medical procedures that have to be put on hold while you get ready for the new addition to your family. So if you're wondering what medical procedures you shouldn't do while pregnant, then here's what you need to know.


There are many ways doctors can take a look at what's happening inside your body without actually going in and looking around, but if you're looking to get an x-ray done, you're gonna want to think again. While MRI imaging, CAT scans, and ultrasounds are all perfectly safe and cause no damage to the developing baby in your body, the powerful x-rays involved in imaging your bones can cause issues, especially if you're x-raying the abdominal areas. Low-level x-rays, such as those for your teeth, are safer, but always check with your OBGYN before any x-ray procedure.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Getting your wisdom teeth removed is often important to prevent overcrowding in your mouth, messing up the straightness of your teeth or the close of your bite, but if you've got a baby on the way, it's best to hold back until after delivery. This is because most oral surgeons use anesthesia to knock you out before removing these teeth -- and having anesthesia when you're pregnant adds stress to the body and increases your chances of something going wrong with your pregnancy, especially if you're in your first trimester, where the chance of miscarrying is largest.

Foot Surgery

Your feet can get tender, swell, and be an all-around pain when you're pregnant, and if you have dangerously fallen arches, bunions, broken bones, or any other foot-related malady, it might be tempting to get it fixed while you're pregnant -- but resist the urge. The issue here once again is general anesthesia, which the majority of foot conditions are usually fixed under to avoid excess pain to the patient. While your doctor might not be able to wait if your feet are endangering your health, you should otherwise hold off until you've delivered to get your feet back to normal once again.
