If you have pain along the inside of your feet, you might have fallen arches. It's possible to develop flat feet as an adult due to an injury of a tendon, the extra weight of obesity, or even as a result of aging. Flat feet aren't always a problem, and if they don't bother you, you don't necessarily need to treat the condition. However, if you like to take long walks, run, or play sports, flat feet can cause pain in your feet and ankles due to the stress on your tendons. Here are some ways to deal with the pain of fallen arches.
Change Your Activity
If you notice the pain is worse after you run or jog, then you may need to switch to a different form of exercise. Stay in shape by swimming or cycling instead. Once your pain has diminished, you may be able to resume running with the help of a podiatry physician who can fit you with the right shoes or inserts that support your feet properly.
Use Ice For Pain
Sometimes fallen arches are very painful. They can occur along with other problems in your tendons that compound the pain. It may help to rest your feet on an ice pack or roll your foot on a bottle of frozen water. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications and pain relievers may be necessary for reducing pain. If your pain is severe, be sure to see a podiatrist at clinics like the Elkhorn Foot and Ankle Clinic PLLC for an evaluation of the cause and treatment that will help.
Wear Orthotic Inserts
You can buy shoe inserts over the counter for fallen arches. These provide cushioning and support for your arches so there is less strain that causes pain. If you're an athlete or do a lot of walking, you may want custom orthotic inserts made for you. A podiatrist can fit the inserts to your feet so they provide optimal support. In addition, your podiatry physician can recommend or provide shoes that support your arches so you can continue normal activities without pain.
Undergo Medical Treatments
The pain of fallen arches can be made worse if you have a tight Achilles tendon or pain in the posterior tibial tendon along your ankle. Your podiatrist may offer splints, walking boots or braces to wear to stabilize the tendons so they heal. You might even need to do regular therapeutic exercises that stretch and strengthen the tendons and muscles in your feet and ankles to speed recovery. Serious cases of foot and ankle pain associated with fallen arches may require surgery.
If you're having pain along the arches of your feet or pain in your feet and ankles, then see your physician for an evaluation. The sooner you begin treatment for your fallen arches, the less damage you'll experience to your tendons and the sooner they will heal.