"Hear" Today, Dog Tomorrow: Service Dogs Are Sound Companions For The Hearing Impaired

Full or partial deafness, whether sudden or gradual, can be a frightening diagnosis. You never really notice how much you rely on your sense of hearing until it is diminished or lost. Hearing loss can interfere with your daily life in profound ways, and learning how to cope with this condition can be challenging. A hearing assistance dog can relieve much of the anxiety, depression, and loss of day to day functionality associated with hearing loss. [Read More]

3 Non-Surgical Treatment Options For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Are you experiencing pain in your dominant wrist and hand? Does your job involve a repetitive hand-based task, such as typing or working on a manufacturing line? If so, then your pain could be a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition occurs when tissue in the hand becomes swollen to the point that the tissue pinches the median nerve, which runs up the wrist and through the hand. This causes pain in the palm and fingers and may even make the fingers feel numb. [Read More]

3 Tips to Help Prevent Spider Veins

Spider veins and varicose veins are unsightly veins usually on your arms or legs. There is a difference between spider and varicose veins though. Spider veins are mostly cosmetic and are cause by genetics, pregnancy, obesity, age or from being sedentary and can be prevented. Varicose veins are veins caused from a medical condition. These veins can cause itching, pain and even swelling. You should seek the help of a physician if you have varicose veins. [Read More]

Prevent And Manage Ankle Pain With The Right Footwear

Prevent Ankle Pain with the Right Footwear Being constantly rankled by arthritis ankle pain can be frustrating, and it can make it very difficult- and even painful- to walk. While there are many medical treatments that can help manage sprained ankles or arthritis ankle pain, these solutions are usually short-term and do not prevent further damage from occurring to your ankle. Wearing the right shoes can be a simple, yet effective way to help manage ankle pain and protect your ankle from further injury. [Read More]